Conditions and Injuries

Specialists in Spine Treatment

Common Spine Conditions and Injuries

Some of the most common spine conditions and injuries we treat at Boca Raton Spine Center!

We take pride in having the ability to offer our patients a comprehensive approach to spinal care. Our multi-disciplinary team of specialists has more than 100 years of combined experience specializing in various spinal conditions and injuries.  Each type of spine treatment provided at our center is customized to meet individual needs of our patients.

A herniated disc is a spinal condition. It occurs when a portion of the vertebral disc ruptures and the inner central portion of the disc is pushed out into the spinal…

Arthritis is a painful condition. Arthritis is typically accompanied by joint pain. When onset arthritis occurs…

Back pain can range in intensity from mild to severe. It can be caused by conditions and injuries…

Joint pain is described as painful conditions and injuries. Discomfort or inflammation can come from any part of a joint. Such as,  bone, cartilage, ligaments, tendons…

A coccyx injury refers to pain and discomfort in the tailbone area. If the tailbone is injured, bruising, fracture…

Stenosis is a condition which narrowing of the spinal canal occurs. The spinal canal is the opening where nerve roots pass through. Spinal stenonsis can develop…

Osteoporosis causes bones to become brittle or weak from the loss of bone density which weakens the normal bone and increases its likelihood of…

Sciatica which is caused by the irritation of the sciatic nerve, starts in the buttocks or lower back and radiates…

Each year, millions of Americans are affected by a pinched nerve. This nagging sharp pain occurs when a nerve is compressed or pinched.

Spinal Osteomyelitis is rare in young children. However, common in the elderly. It is typically caused by…

Kyphosis is an exaggeration or an abnormality of the spine curvature. In severe cases, kyphosis can be painful and cause significant spinal deformity…

A compression fracture of the vertebra causes the bone to collapse in height resulting in pain, limited mobility, height loss and spinal deformity (kyphosis)…

Spinal cancer can form along the spine or in the spinal cord. Tumors sometimes grow in the spinal cord due to rapid cell growth. These tumors can be…

Degenerative disc disease occurs in people during the typical aging process, and is often referred to as “arthritis of the back.” When we think about spinal discs…

Whiplash will often occur in an automobile accident. Although it also can happen due to a sports incident, physical abuse or trauma….

Spondylolisthesis is caused by a slip of a vertebral body relative to an adjacent vertebral body due to the breakdown of the cartilage between the vertebra…

In patients with scoliosis, the curve is commonly in the upper back. The patient may have one hip higher than the other, and frequently one shoulder…

Muscle Spasms occur when a muscle involuntary contracts and cannot relax. It’s common for a spasm to involve part or all…

A muscle strain, pulled muscle, or even muscle tear occurs when your muscle or its tendons are stretched too far. We often overdo it when we are performing…

The most common cause of osteophytes is from joint damage, such as osteoarthritis or…

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